Shop All Online 2 "Lilacs in Basket" Print of Painting by Marcella Chapman Previous"Iris" Print of Painting by Marcella Chapman Next"Lilacs in Basket" Pencil Drawing by Marcella Chapman "Lilacs in Basket" Print of Painting by Marcella Chapman "Lilacs in Basket" Print of Painting by Marcella Chapman from $5.00 Size: Select Size 4x65x78x1011x14 4x6 5x7 8x10 11x14 Quantity: Add To Cart Facebook0 Twitter Pinterest0 You Might Also Like "Leopard" Print of Painting by Marcella Chapman from $5.00 "Sunrise Over Old Pier" Painting by Marcella Chapman $104.99 "October River Dreams" Painting by Marcella Chapman $104.99 "A Taste of Summer" Print of Painting by Marcella Chapman from $5.00 "Cuyahoga River Series #2" Painting by Marcella Chapman $104.99