How can I save wet photos and artwork?

Cuyahoga Falls & Akron got hit hard this week with some crazy flooding. As we all dry out and clean up, we’re bound to find out more things got wet than we realized. The most important things are often the ones that get overlooked because they’re not technically valuable. I would argue that the family photos, documents, kids’ artwork, etc are the MOST valuable since they’re irreplaceable!

They can be saved, and are WORTH saving!

This advice is not meant to replace an assessment by a professional. We always recommend having your unique situation assessed and treated professionally. In the meantime, these steps can help improve your valuables chance of survival. Please note that not every step on here is meant for every type of artwork, and may not apply to your specific needs. If you’re unsure, please contact us for help.

Mitigation is the first, most important step to saving any type of wet artwork.
Mitigation means stopping any more damage from occurring, and this can take on several forms. It usually involves drying the artwork out, first and foremost. No matter the type of artwork, it will benefit from the following:

  • Remove the artwork from the wet environment
    The sooner it is moved to a dry environment, the less likely it is for mold and mildew to grow.

  • Air it out
    Allowing dry air to the artwork will speed up drying and lower chances of mold or mildew growing. Sometimes this means taking thing out of boxes & cases, taking photos out of photo albums, fanning out book pages, laying papers out on towels, or even removing artwork from it’s frame.

Cleaning, repair and/or replacement is the next step.
This is where a professional can help. Water affects different materials differently, and sometimes even the same materials differently! Each piece is unique and should be evaluated as such. Sometimes there’s microscopic mold spores that aren’t noticable or aren’t a problem now, but can easily become one if left untreated.

Homeowner’s Insurance
Most home owners have an insurance policy that is designed to cover damages from natural disasters, including floods. Every policy is different, and has different levels of coverage. We recommend contacting your insurance company to either file a claim, or find out your levels of coverage for contents (which is what insurance companies call anything that is inside your home that is not a part of the house’s structure). At Up Front Art Space, we are able to work alongside you and your insurance company throughout this process.